
A special project implemented by IIDT which supported to Uplift Social and Economic Conditions of Plantation workers and their families. The project was funded by Foundacion Abbe Pierre (FAP), France and implemented by IIDT and PADEM (France) during a 6 year period covering 15 plantations. This project supported in many aspects covering livelihood, infrastructure (housing, water and sanitation), education, health and micro credit and economic development. Under the component of economic development, cooperative retail outlets were established in each of the participating estates with a seed fund granted by FAP. This became a very important welfare unit in the estates which reaped multiple benefits as follows:

  • Low cost essential items for the workers closer to their home.
  • Credit facilities offered by the estate management as per the number of days worked during the current week.
  • Better turnover at work to profit from the credit facilities provided.
  • Less hanging out in the towns thereby reduced consumption of alcohol.
  • Women more empowered make financial decisions than before.

A handbook was written by a team of specialists in the cooperative sector to support the efficient management of the cooperatives.